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I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that I am giving the now infamous New York Times article, How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body, the silent treatment.

Because I think it’s stupid.

There have been many deep and thoughtful response articles and that’s great. I will lift my Cone of Silence just to say this:

If it’s news to you that you can injure yourself doing yoga, you are an idiot. 

12,000 people die every year from walking down stairs, but that doesn’t mean stairs are bad for people. Just be careful on the stairs, jackass.

My goodness, yoga community –  we do love our flash-in-the-pan, feather-ruffling stories. We are barely beyond the fact that Lululemon is obsessed with Ayn Rand and then it was Briohny Smyth in her underwear and now this?

(I will take a moment to comment on Briohny Smyth. To me, yoga is about truth and beauty, and this is truly a beautiful thing to watch. What makes her so sexy is her confidence and ability; she could be doing this in a nun’s habit and still be totally hot. So, maybe you critics should just shove your objections that yoginis should show restraint in matters of sex and admit you are just wildly jealous that you can’t get into lotus while doing a handstand.)

Can’t we go back to the good old days when we were all just aflutter that Lady Gaga did Bikram?

Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory.

~Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

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